Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Erin- Jail Themed Reception Pieces

Erin had a vision in her head of what she wanted for her reception pieces. Her wedding reception was being held in a former Jail. We made a tasteful theme that went through all of the reception pieces. Smoke cardstock and White cardstock was used throughout.

Sorry for the poor picture quality. I had to take them without a flash and it was night time so really poor lighting!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Back Blogging!

So as you probably have noticed I have been MIA for a while! This is for good reason, TOO BUSY!! My business has picked up considerably from last year at this time which has resulted in less blogging.

I have some great projects that I am working on: Invitations, reception pieces, custom maps and more. I am going to do my best to take pictures and post the final projects!

Thanks for following and I promise there will be more posting in the future!!